Originally Posted by hirsute_biped
different strokes...
Hmmm, didn't realize there were solo projects too. Listening to PW now: sounds tasty, but not radically different than ET. Found more used ET records today (on 3 Lobed and Not Not Fun). They remind me of the vintage Swedish psych bands I like so much: Parson Sound/International Harvester/Trad Gras Och Stenar, Baby Grandmothers, Bo Hansson, etc...
..which reminds me, I did a Swedish psych/prog/heavy spin session last fall that is archived here:
The one on threelobed is my favourite, i think. Has this huge riff/theme thing going on all the time. I like that.
For PW, i really enjoy his split with Ancient Ocean. No, not AO.. that other thing that's kinda like Acient Ocean...
Expo 70. Yeah, that's the spice.
Also his latest LP on Drag City is fantastic.
listening to this:

I really don't like Artwork + Title, but the music is oh so purdy.