popped into a christian bookstore to see if they had any anti-new age books, they had a whole section, my cup overfloweth
i recently scanned this awesome dead kennedys passage from christian conspiracy theorist texe marrs' book 'dark side of the new age: satan's plan for one world religion'. he's an expert on the new world order as well, and all tesla69's favorite freedom fighters like alex jones use him as a go to occult expert
anyone who doesn't hate movies should watch 'the new age: a pathway to paradise' which reveals the antichrist's plan to create a one world government and one world religion through new age, and identies a likely candidate for the biblically prophesied anti-prophet, scottish painter and esotericist benjamin creme.
another awesome christian world phenomena i'm hyped on is pentecostal serpent handling, based on mark 16:18 for they shall take up serpents, and no harm shall come to them, and if they should drink any deadly thing no harm shall come to them.
i personally agree with them that since the bible says that, anyone who claims to believe in it should take up serpents, at least once in their lifetime, and i think the state governments need to start respecting the religious freedoms of those who take up serpents