Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
Does AC/DC sing that song 'now your messin with a son of bitch'? That song rocks.
Nope, that's Nazareth.
AC/DC...Butt-head wore the T-shirt, so I'll begin there. Everyone likes Beavis more, & I do as well, but Beavis wore the Metallica T-shirt & anyone that knows best knows that AC/DC are some dirty-ass rock n' roll that out-raunch Metallica any day of the week.
Out of the outback came the creature known as AC/DC. Propelled by the earth-shaking power of the distinctve amp-busting blues of the Young brothers on guitar, everyone has heard them before at some point. They can be described as somewhere in-between an even more nasty The Rolling Stones and yet not quite full-on metal.
Songs like "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" & "TNT" are scorchers. Bon Scott sang "Highway to Hell" & then (as many may know) died from hypothermia one London winter while in a car he was sleeping in after passing out there.
And then it happened. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, AC/DC came back with Brian Johnson. I was in sixth grade when the all-black, solid-as-a-rock Back in Black record made its appearance. That was my real introduction. It came at a time when most of my peers were into Kiss or Rush, or heaven help 'em, Air Supply, Boston or Kansas, & it was welcome. Me & my skateboarding, bicycle riding friends placed AC/DC up there with Foghat & Styx, & (our rather unpopular & unlikely favorite) Devo, although I still had a huge crush on Olivia Newton-John & also dug some ELO. Although some later AC/DC albums had some decent rockers in the ever-increasingly more formulaic style, they would never put out anything that great ever again.