Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think Lou Reed wold have thought it was funny, although it was very hard to tell whether Lou enjoyed humor. it is one thing to be funny, and another to enjoy laughing at oneself.
Actually, I agree completely, I dare say Lou Reed would have also found that shit hilarious, rest his soul. The key thing about death, is not just to be all mopy and sad, but to be how the people who passed would want it. When my grandfather passed, he didn't let us have a "wake" or even a conventional funeral. It wasn't his style at all, never in his life would he have wanted us to mope over him. He wanted us to have a fucking kick ass party to celebrate his life, and our lives with him, and that is what we did, according to his last wishes. I think Lou Reed is the same, he'd rather we found opportunities to laugh rather than cry about his life. I for one, took that opportunity, and was all the better for it, and I think Lou Reed's memory was too.