Originally Posted by punkaspoo
what comes to this kind of nonsense, the white liberals are the biggest douche bags in the world. i read that blackhawks' logo has also created some sort of controversy
You're being silly. These are national teams, even if the Redskins have sucked as a team more years than they haven't (ask !@#$%! he surely knows

) they still play several primetime, nationally televised games, they are the team for the nation's capital, and by default the team of the White House. That is powerful symbolism that an obviously offensive term is used so casually on a national stage and under the spotlight with no scrutiny?
If it were the San Francisco Chinks, the San Diego Wetbacks, or the Brooklyn Shilocks wouldn't it be as obvious? Ok, my sister is a Hopi indian so maybe I'm biased
Originally Posted by demonrail666
Do the Washington Redskins ever get flack over their name?
Redskins are probably the only American team that really does border on offensive. Of course High School teams like "Savages" or "Reds" are probably worse.
I think Braves, Chiefs, Warriors, Indians, Blackhawks, those aren't necessarily used in the pejorative sense, if anything the opposite. However the term Redskins is offensive just about anyway you slice the cake. Is it the most offensive? Not necessarily, though looking at the picture !@#$%! posted, I'd say the term "Redskins" fits much more in that racist context that Indians
. Of course, considering how much Cleveland teams SUCK, that is probably more so what American Indians are offended by than the name itself