Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
i didn't mean it like that Such. maybe i should've implied more. i just meant you were pickin on his late 60's, 70's work.
no. Butch Vig didn't ruin Nevermind. that score goes to Andy Wallace, which the band themselves picked. naively. and "pop" hooks is what made Nirvana.
and why shouldn't the Misfits be a punk band? great classic hooks, Glen's voice, the rough production. they were awesome MAN!!!! though when i think about punk, haha........i dont think about The Misfits.

My bias, I'm a recovering crusty from the gutter scene, the whole punk enough pissing contests about authenticity or sincerity dominate our narrative. I just don't think the Misfits are aggressive enough musically compared to the bands I linked such as Varukers, Allergic to Whores, or Civil Disobedience. Further, I was dissing them more in the context of Rob's comments that somehow In Utero is boring, but the Misfits aren't. Simply put, punk enough or not, I find their music slow, unoriginal, and boring.