09.10.2013, 06:41 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 11,819
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Nirvana only survived with grace because they didn't survive at all. Had Nirvana tried to make another album, it would have been the beginning of the end. Kurt may have bee able to start a career in a new band, clearly Dave moved on with Foo Fighters, but Nirvana was definitely at its high-water mark, Then Kurt died, and the Elvis effect kicked it. Bob Marley, Tupac, when artists who are already popular die in their prime, they not only become martyrs, they become almost Greek Titan heroes!! Nirvana is at that threshold, it is a trip to see my teenage students wearing Nirvana shirts, even the Seniors were born in 1996/97!!! They're listening to Nirvana like us 80s/90s kids were listening to Zeppelin, Floyd, and Sabbath, a FULL GENERATION REMOVED.
No. Please done tell me I'm old enough to have my own version of Zep and Sanbath. Wow. Guess you're right though.
Nirvana kills them both.