Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
I haven't watched TV since about 1994, except when I'm at my mom's.
You know, in my memory that really is about the time TV started to go down the tubes.
I'll admit I watch mayyybe two shows, I don't think tv is like a plague on society or anything, but it's sort of becoming that. I just think it's gone to shit recently. I do think that now more than ever, if people are gonna let their kids watch, they should watch it with them DEFINATELY. I saw 2 commercials the other day at 2 pm. One was a woman in very revealing lingere, sitting on top of a man pumping his chest. Another was for some reality cancun bullshit with like 3 women in bikinis rubbing soap on eachother, at 2 PM. Pretty fucked up.
As for TV shows, I enjoy Saturday Night live reruns and Iron Chef. Beyond that, TV is of no intrest to me. Cept that stupid E channel is the only channel that runs the SNL reruns now and the only ones they show are the ones with hosts who are like, super popular celebrities at the moment, so they only show ones from the past 3 years. Jackasses