Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

and loving ever fucking sonic moment. its been long enough since I listened to this record in its entirety for me to have almost forgotten just how magical it is. Again, this is my all-time favorite Sonic Youth album, it contends in my top-ten of all time for any band/album some days 
Absolutely. It's not my actual favorite SY album, but I find that every time I listen to it (couple times a year maybe), I like it twice as much as I did the last time. So, in the 10 years since its release, it has gradually inched its way up about thirteen-fifteen spots (depending on what you consider an album)
I remember unwrapping it the day it came out, and playing it on the way to work. Hearing "Pattern Recognition" for the first time was one of the best listening experiences of my life, but for some reason I considered it my
least favorite Sonic Youth album for years. But I honesty have no idea why I felt that way. It's not quite as testosterone filled as most of the music that melted my 23 year old heart, but every listen brings about new revelations and insights about the album. A pretty triumphant album, in that it brought the DDN sound back, and meted it with the jammy, bohemian vibe that NYCG&F sparked and Murray Street perfected. It's really the go-to record for fans of the group's entire discography.
I started this post, abandoned it, and finished it over the course of well over 24 hours. Hopefully it makes sense, because I certainly am not going to proof read it.