Yeah, I used to wait tables, and once I called in because I had to pick my brother up at the airport, and when I called in, they were totally cool about it. But then the next day, I went in and then had me sign something because I was on probation! It said if I called in in the next 30 days, I would be fired. I told them I didn't care, since I was quitting soon anyways. And then that same day, I was working a double, and was looking forward to my break in between. well they got slammed around 2, and OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF MY OWN HEART, I stayed and helped, cutting my braek down to 10 minutes between shifts. well then while I was working I heard my manager talking to the owner about me and jay, this other guy who called in, and she was saying "well, at least jay was genuinly sick..." so I walked over and said "yeah, and I was genuinly picking my brother up at the airport!" and then the owner said "either way, I should right you up for being unshaven." and I said "well excuse me for not having shaven in between shifts, since I only had a 10 minute break and decided to eat something for the first time today!" and then he replied "well I couldn't grow that hair in one day." and I was like "well I'm sorry you can't grow fuckin' facial hair like the rest of us!" I was pissed. Granted, I got sent home early, but I was glad I did.
"She hated people who thought too much.
At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate
representative for almost all mankind." - Kurt Vonnegut Cat's Cradle