Originally Posted by h8kurdt
I really hope I never turn as cynical and miserable as you.
You're hilarious. I
love to watch hours and hours of sports every week, I just accept it for what it is and don't have any delusions or false interpretations of what it should or could be, in fact, I'm excited for the Heat-Thunder NBA tonight as they sabotage Valentine's Day for like 10,000,000 women! There will be 20,000,000 arms sulkingly crossed as so many boyfriends and husbands at the restaurant take 27 minutes to go to "the bathroom" when the game is on like every TV in the place and all the ladies hear their dudes yelling can high fiving

Besides, it will take you a century to develop the capacity for optimistic nihilism which saturates my consciousness, it would kill like ten lesser such as yourself.