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Old 02.13.2013, 09:02 PM   #1
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I bought an iPad recently;mostly because I love my iPhone and my old MacBook and made the mistake of saying so in the apple store. So a thousand dollars later I'm finding myself with not a whole lot of uses for the thing...allowing it to sit in its packaging for a couple weeks, and taking it out here and there to do whatever I'd been doing on my phone only, well..bigger.
Finally I'm giving the thing some attention and I downloaded a "Kindle" app recently just to see what it would offer me. I wasn't expecting much, but with a quick free download you can basically just get a kindle on your iPad/iPad mini/iPhone. Instant access to your amazon cloud, all your purchased kindle books, and all of the kindle library. The only thing you can't do apparently is jump directly from book viewing to the Amazon store in general. But guess what does do that? The Internet.
Honestly, I see no reason for the Kindle to even exist as a hardware product at all if they're going to make it this easy to have one without having to spend your money on a good e-reader that sucks at everything else.

I mention this only because I've seen a number of people talk about buying them on SYG, but I cannot seem to recall which thread/threads. If you don't already have one, you'll probably end up being talked into one of the fancy pants new HD ones; and if so, you will be wasting $500 for a crap proprietary system with two uses, when $399 could have bought on an iPad mini.

I mention it also because I have purchased no less than 3 kindles over the years, and while they're nice for reading, I'm still glaring at the lonely fuckers as THEY sit and gather dust ... Until the next shiny thing grabs my attention of course.
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