Originally Posted by !@#$%!
one more thing-- when i canvassed for obama i encountered some voters who were afraid that "he'll take our guns". i responded "no such thing! obama has no gun platform!". i thought i convinced some of them.
mr. president made me a liar.
Now do you understand why I was criticizing all the civic and political participation you were preaching and committed to during the election season? What, did you forget that Barry comes from Chicago politics? I was surprised that it took this LONG for gun control to rise up, but its part and parcel of Chicago and Democratic platforms. Of course, the acknowledged hit-lists and active military engagement in two dozen countries over the past five years should be all the more upsetting if you ask me. Alas, I'm glad that you've realized that Barry was a let down, he wants !@#$%! guns too if such guns don't fit into the 1994-2004 restrictions
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
You need to check out TEXAS suchfriends. the liberals AND the conservatives AND the freaks AND the independents all got guns!
Having guns and willing to fight and armed resistance against the established and long time "so-called" legitimate military and police are entirely different. Americans above all else are fearful of authority, as much bravado as the Tea Party or the Socialists want to bark and rant at their conventions, the reality is there are very few Timothy McVeighs out there otherwise our country might more resemble Iraq or even Russia (where there are many bombings and political assassinations every year).
I am not trying to insult you guys, I am sorry for being so facetious. But seriously, guys, think about it, do you HONESTLY believe that a majority of Americans would support an armed public war against the government? All you have to do is ask people about the 1992 LA Uprising and gauge their response. Rob, you can have all the guns you want in Texas, but ask your fellow Tejanos about the Uprising, you know what they will probably call it? A RIOT! Will they recognize that it was actually a community political response to decades of police brutality, systemic poverty, and inept corruption in the local governments? No. They will say it was greed. They will say it was chaos. They will SUPPORT the LAPD and the NATIONAL GUARD BESIEGING OF LOS ANGELES FOR SIX MONTHS IN 1992. And trust me my sonic brothers and sisters, they would say the same thing if folks tried to rise up about gun control. What did they call the Occupy movement? Oh right, they called it lazy
Originally Posted by tesla69
I doubt you do because you would never speak like that to someone to their face, it is always easy for you to anonymously smear the posters here when they upset your delicate nature. But yes, I speak about this to many people and find that most actually agree with me. of course I live in New York City which is a highly educated environment, so people are smart here.
This is interesting, someone is messing with Dorner's 'manifesto'. The media has already voted him guilt and is discussing the need to execute him with automated drones.
Anonymously smear posters? Not say it to their face? You're the one hiding behind your guns homie
I'm just speaking the real, you don't have to internet bang on me tuff guy, cool it with all that hotta fiyah, ya might just gwan and burn
The Truth? Americans are not radicals, they are right leaning centrists. What part of armed revolution is center-right exactly? Do you honestly think that if Americans were cynical enough to support revolution that more than 2,100,000 Americans would be sitting in a prison or jail cell at any given moment? Or that upwards of 48,000,000 children would be hungry? Or that the same number of people would have ZERO access to healthcare? Come of it. Americans are COMPLACENT. Me, I accept my fellow Americans for who and what they are, I've become a realist. I love people, flaws and all, so all I can do is sigh, regroup, and try my best to make lemonade of the shit situations in our communities. The government is evil, period. But it only reflects the inward evil in most people, so just removing the government wouldn't solve that, because the next assholes to step up would harbor the same evils. Combat the EVIL in society, not the people or the power which reflects it