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Old 07.21.2006, 10:04 PM   #30
little trouble girl
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Worcester, MA
Posts: 88
contort:myself is a splendid one to beholdcontort:myself is a splendid one to beholdcontort:myself is a splendid one to beholdcontort:myself is a splendid one to beholdcontort:myself is a splendid one to beholdcontort:myself is a splendid one to beholdcontort:myself is a splendid one to behold
i don't think it's that lame that people promote their mspace shit here. fuck i do it enough myself. myspace might have the air of gayness, but think of it from a pre-internet mindset. If when I was 14 in my height of social alienation and isolation and i had just starting playing music, If i could put any brain fart i had and share it with the world (don't mean this personally guy who posted, just a general statement) i would do it in a heartbeat and tell any motherfucker i saw. I put my myspace everywhere and I hate my music...I can't imagine how much some kid who believes he's Kurt Cobain/Lou Reed/Peter Frampton/Kenneth HIgney of his corporate provided generational subdivison would be motivated to post that address like karl rove eats babies.... personally I'd be all over that shit like flies on the guy who is currently reading this's mom's face.


-Charles Esquire

(editors' note: this is really an elaborate ploy to get you to look at contort:myself's myspace site for his band. please don't allow his drunken rant to lead you to believe he has a larger soul than any other corporate shill in his miserable generation.)
worcester's killing pablo, on the myspace
our record label
buy our latest album
so that they can pay us
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