Originally Posted by dead_battery
how can you find enough food and water in nature each day ?
i try this but many time i am not succeed.
back to the city to suck a mancock for me. then i get moneys for the supermarketshop. then i can be to eating the fruit and chocolatte.
city men they say "you bush smell so natural". this is because i am not to wash it. i will not have toxins and modern chempoissons in my flower.
after many days of no wash flower clean itself, it release natural odours and organic substance that clean it good. this paste can be used to clean and gel hair. i am goddess of earth not corrupt sterile woman of artifishal modern industry.
when moon is full i hide in city alley and let passing dogs and mandemons enter my flower. their stamens awash in moon blood. i shriek the howl of mother giaa, she is in pain in modern city hell so my cry is protest of tecno modern way pollution.
these are teh only ways to survive modern tecno dystopaia. i am sadshamed that i am treeted bad way by modern world of cruel.
but at leest i am free from drug and i not die.
This is me. This is how I feel. When the childeren say...
1,0000 names for love. Each of them -- OURS.
PLEASE never leave me thinking, again.