Originally Posted by knox
Thanks for the tip and the moral preaching.
Now let's talk about why you assume I'm not into cock.
Shall we?
Perhaps cock just isn't into you?
I will say this for the final time, and then I am done with responding to all your crypto-trolling. I agree 100% with the substance of EVERY SINGLE POINT you've argued about regarding women today. However, it is your approach and the tone of your rhetoric that I find needlessly hostile, scathing, and caustic. I understand, sometimes political and social issues make me upset to, and Lord knows I've vented enough here, but we all inevitably have to calm down and sort out what is what. Negativity doesn't not change the situation for the better, it only furthers the drama down the spiral. When you demean other humans as "not people" or "nasty monsters" you really are just repeating and reflecting that very bigotry and prejudice which you are trying to fight against. You become that which you hate. I can only hope that you will see that and cool down your temper and all that hotta fyah brimstone and judgement, when you keep burning fya you've got to be careful, because the fyah is not partial, not even to those that burn the fyah