Originally Posted by tesla69
your numbers actually argue the opposite - when there were x+4 million handguns available, the national homicide rate was 40K, but when the number of handguns increased to x+6 million, the rate went down to 11K. Your numbers show when there are more handguns there are less murders.
Now, I'm just playing games here, because usually the economy is used to explain why murder rates went down.
See, I'm skeptical because police chiefs in San Diego are not liberals-they want to cripple the american people
"Chief Lansdowne, who plays an active role in the western region of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) association, said it may take a generation but guns will eventually be taken off the streets through new laws like Senator Diane Feinstein's proposed assault weapons ban legislation. Some of the items his organization is addressing include; a ban on assault weapons, restricting high-capacity magazines, closing loopholes that allow firearm sales between private owners without background checks, and implementing much stricter background checks by using a comprehensive database."
I see what you did there, and its bullshit. Had the sale rates stayed at 1980s levels there would have been TWO MILLION MORE GUNS on the streets in the 2000s than were sold, period. That is TWO MILLION less guns than were sold in the 1980s. Further, h8kurt has already concurred with my statements.
1992 was the beginning of stricter hand gun regulations in DC, New York, and California. Low and behold after 20 years of gun control in those states what have we found?
Originally Posted by h8kurdt
And if you're gonna start throwing statistics around then here's a couple.
"The US homicide rate, which has declined substantially since 1991 from a rate per 100,000 persons of 9.8 to 4.8 in 2010, is still among the highest in the industrialized world. There were 14,748 homicides in the United States in 2010, including non-negligent manslaughter."
Two-fold reduction is a bit less than California's sixfold reduction, but the national figures speak for themselves. Gun advocates are simply delusional to the reality of the past twenty years, and it is starting to get embarrassing. What I find interesting the most, is that people who have ACTUALLY experienced gun violence tend to be more realistic about guns, and folks who are simply living a fantasy/fear based life tend to have the most guns and those pussies never even have a reason or need to use them