Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I thought they already had universal background checks? at least at actual gun stores. It is not illegal to sell your friend a firearm though, and there is no background checks on that
No. What is actually frightening is that upwards of FORTY PERCENT of all firearms purchases are not background checked because of private sale loopholes and gunshows. We need to tighten and strengthen those laws to make it fair for all gun owners, some gun owners should not be exempted from laws which other gun owners have to follow
You have noticed though that LA police have not stopped using their body armor, their high caliber assault rifles, tanks, etc.? And that nearly every mid to large size police force in the country has enacted the same exact measures, regardless of whether they actually need to?
That is some psychological warfare. They were that shit to (a) pump up their own bravado and (b) scare the community into thinking things are still as dangerous as they were in 1992, they're not. The numbers don't lie our murder rate is down 600% over the past 20 years, and assault rifles and high-velocity ammunition is also in significant decline. Again, criminals get it from the same place legit people do, if legit people have less or no access to these weapons and munitions, criminals are equally in the long arc cut off.
The police forces are becoming more and more highly militarized, as the populace is becoming less capable of arming themselves.
Yes, but that is not because crime in increasing, it because the law is taking our kindness for weakness. You are conflating two completely separate issues. One of the increasing militarization of law enforcement and another of decrease or increase in crime. One is not always correlated with the other.
I reiterate.
The compromise is fair. 100% background checks with NO loopholes, period. Ammunition restrictions to limit the access of criminals. Bans on uber-dangerous assault weapons which serve no legitimate purpose. I don't even want decommissioned PTSD recovering jarheads (if they want these weapons, stay in the service yo) having these things in their homes to scare the shit out of their wives