you can also see it like this
what happens inside the brain?
7 billion brains from the same DNA group
7 billion variants of IQ
ok now what we all know today with evidence
is that these 7 billion brains are 98% chimpansee simular in DNA and in behaviour most close to bonobo's
now think that you apply for a job
you take your resume with you where sez
-DNA 98% chimpansee simular
-bonobo behaviour
do you think you gonna get the job?
belibe me everyone who you gonna see or hear in your life has that resume
including the one you see in the mirror
well everyone who has a job has that resume but not writting in that reality
-don't ask don't tell- has a funny after taste
after people got bored and start to witchhunt gays in the army
the piont is what happens in the brain?
as all brains are universal
so are they also part of all lifeform
simularity is the key of universal life
lifeforms are simply bio-activity of braincells and brain nerves transporting blood to different parts of the brain
the essential brainworks of an animal
if human meets modern technology it also meets the information it gives
this can be of the micro cosmos, kwantums or macro cosmos, galaxy's and solarsystems
my animal brainsystems don't supplie systems that can read this information
i'm not born to recieve input from modern information
my brain has it's devellopments set on finding food and walking on 2 legs in this set of evolution
that is what my natural birth is designed for adapted to to stay alive
we are also humans that made tools that give us this information
the truth stays that our brains are not made to have that input
because the survival strategy of billions of years of evolution is focused on food
so humans have to make clear, that is what i find and think, that there is a difference in the brain
the basic universal bioactivity of the brain
and the information that it can recieve in these days of modern technology are two different things
the human brain has no place to recieve that information
and from there that most humans find it difficult to even imagine how big the universe is
simply because our bio-activity inside the brain is not develloped in that way
this gives then the option to the human to hold this modern information in the memory part of the brain where there this information can be used
for example finding complex medication to stop a deadly virus
i know it is very difficult and complex sometime if you speek about the brain and how it works