Originally Posted by zelocia
I can imagine that I am not the first person to have posted something about these before but I just wanted to say something about them. I found it odd that my favorite record store put them with the brand new Sonic Youth records. I always check their section because once and awhile oddities like this find there way in there. For example, a few months ago I found a New Blockaders record that came out on Ecstatic Peace! I don't know when but Thurston played on one side and Jim played on the other. The fold-out poster/sleeve thing is not perfect and the records themselves play fine despite a few imperfections. I have yet to take a closer read of the text on the posters but on Vol 2 there is a "family tree" of Thurston's, Kim's and Lee's pre-Youth bands, and a timeline of the line up by year. All of which I already knew but someone put a quite a bit of effort in putting all of this together, which I do appreciate. I paid $30 for each, which was a bit pricey but I am really glad I got them.
Those band family trees probably came from the Sensational Fix book.