this is a video of INFOWARS about highplaced people who are nothing more then psychopatic people who are doing nothing but evil to the population
systematicly holding the population down and working on their emotional sphere to manipulate them and make them feel worthless
so they can control
wake up people on how the TOP people lie to the population
this is a video about that system
about cultbrainwashing
about ngo's and globelasation and 1 world domination dictatorship by a group of psychopats
the person who is on the online talkshow is Brain Gerrish his site is the UK collum
thruth organisations and other groups who want to know what is really going on and the structures that are placed to mislead people to keep the old structures of power in power
it makes sence to me
if 30.000 childeren dissapear in UK and 300.000 in US
and when police open investigations to these dissapearings that they are closed down from the top
AND why there is no ACTIVE AND OPEN system to searching for the thruth about these dissapearings
here is the video of info wars: