From page 6 of that forum, Thurston's white "Dr. Pepper" Jazzmaster (Serial # -- 126646) was on ebay a few weeks ago, refinished unfortunately, but still banged up(?!). Started at $0.99, but withdrawn, supposedly Sonics are on the case. Sale allegedly originating from a pawn shop in Compton, California but ebay page in French and saying something about the Netherlands. Makes me wanna figure out which shop in Compton it is and go ask 'em about any unusual guitars this weekend, I'm sure I'd get my ass kicked... SYG board should engage in a thrilling international espionage and recovery operation to bring down these guitar criminals!
edit: So I figured out the english page for the pawn shop, but I'm sure they're spooked if they just had a guitar recovered....
Re: Jazzmaster Experts--Questions About a '59....
by samytv » Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:40 am
Thurston white jazzmaster was on ebay two weeks ago.
I called Lee and they were trying to recovered it. I don't have fresh news and I don't know if the guitar is back or not.