06.30.2012, 11:47 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: I moved from hillbilly Florida to hillbilly Alabama
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I think I want to throw up. Kurt wearing those random band's shirts helped to change the face of American mainstream music, helping to open the door for the DIY/Indie bands taking over the magazines and music scene. I don't think he intended it to be purely merchandising, he was just wearing shirts of bands he liked. Now.. what a shame.
I hope all the folks who picked up his shirts there in Seattle in 94 when Courtney was passing them out to fans on the yard actually appreciate them for what they are, sentimental attachment to a band we liked, and are not jumping on the sell it bandwagon..
I wouldn't pay more than 10 bucks for a Kurt Cobain t-shirt, but I'd take one in a heart beat, probably even frame it on the wall, but as a homage to art and music culture, not simply because it was Kurt's beat up, ragged old band t-shirt
I also wonder how many forgeries are out there 
i still cannot rep u fucker