Double shot of
Screaming Sculls for the pre-DGC vibe and
Yeah Into the Groove(y) hooked me too. I was 14 ish, so we'd go "skating" or whatever every weekend night to get out of the house. I remember playing Screaming Skulls literally every Fri & Sat night in my headphones as my parents took me there/picked me up. For a good year or two. It was my favorite memory from that period really.
But what is really weird is later, as I was catching up with where they had gone musically, I picked up A Thousand Leaves, and just didn't quite get it. I think it was too developed for me at the time. I like harsher tones, and more standard punk rock i guess?? It's like it was so good I couldn't even perceive it. I think I even traded it in at one point! Weird how things work like that sometimes. Now it's one of my favorites.