FUCK IT. It's been to long since I've wasted time here...
Batman or Spiderman - Batman (thought I think DC sucks mostly)
Blur or Oasis - BLUR!
Tea or Coffee - COFFEE!
Biggie or Tupac - Pac
Red Wine or White Wine - White
Fender or Gibson = Fender
Hole or Bikini Kill = Hole
Medium or Rare = med.
East Coast or West Coast = East
Sex Pistols or The Clash - Clash
Black Sabbath or Judas Priest - Sabbath
X Box or Playstation - PLAYSTATION
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission = not familiar with either
Marshall or Fender = Fender
John Carpenter or George Romero - Carpenter
Lennon or McCartney = Lennon
Lydia Lunch or Diamanda Galas = Lydia
Curtains or Blinds = curts
Noisy Swans or Quiet Swans - I wish I knew
Marvel or DC = Marvel
American Punk or British Punk - US
Burger King or McDonalds = McDonalds
James Herbert or Stephen King = King
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan = Dylan
Cats or Dogs = cats
Plato or Socrates = Socrates was in Bill & Ted
Vangelis or Jean Michel Jarre - Vangelis
Miles Davis or John Coltrane - TRANE
Urban or Rural - Urb
PC or Mac = PC
Black or With Milk - milk (no sugar)
Stones or Beatles - Beatles
Resident Evil or Silent Hill - Silent Hill
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino - DeNiro
North or South - North?
Digital or Analog - what?
Joy Division or New Order - I wanna say New Order based on listens?
Philip K Dick or William Gibson = PKD
The Wire or The Sopranos - haven't seen either
The Clash or The Ramones = RAMONES
Pepsi or Coca Cola = Peps
Marx or Weber = huh?
Christmas or Birthday - xmas
Lee or Thurston - THURSTON
Ali or Tyson = don't care
Nude or Partially Clothed - cmon
Rap or House - HIPHOP
Summer or Winter - SUMMER
Beck or The Beastie Boys = BECK
Wholemeal or White - whatis this?
Han Solo or Chewbacca - hate Star Wars
Robert Redford or Paul Newman - dont care
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot = hmm. Atari I guess
High on Fire or Electric Wizard = no idea these
Jay Z or Nas = Jay-Z
Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock - meh
Beer or Spirits - beer
Mickey or Donald - Mickey
Iron Maiden or Metallica = Metallica
Thin Crust or Deep Pan = deep
Seinfeld or Curb = ooh good one. Seinfeld I guess. But both awesome
Jesus or Dawkin = eh?