My highest peak on Thurston's set was -12 db and the results are nice. I always record at 24 Bits/48 KHZ no matter what. I even purchased a memory card because I intended to record Wild Flag and Kurt Vile as well, and I did. I haven't listened to those so I don't know how they turned out, though.
No noise sets at all, I'm afraid. Both Lee and Thurston performed song-based shows to promote "Between The Times And The Tides" and "Demolished Thoughts" respectively. Both of them had some noisy passages in their sets, though. Mike, If you'd be willing to make my recording of Lee's sound better, I guess I can upload it and send you the link. I just got confused with something I read: If I amplify a recording, do I have to normalize afterwards to correct possible DC Offset (I don't even know what that is)?
Religion kills more than it saves you, man...