i think the basic of religious people is they have a problem with death or that life can be totally has no meaning or purpose
religious people want and need something to do
before they die
they can't live an animal life that knows that there is nothing to do
you can only fill in what you want to do
the religious people wrap their program around their childeren and so a child that was born in a free universe where there were never words spoken is programmed to follow the religious program
not knowing how this experiment will end
and what this means for the sapian DNA gene-pool
cause from then on females only have childeren of religious people
wich means this is a forced out of nature
all sapians born in that way are off track from nature
natures dna genpool is always the natural strongest dna
wich is the most adapted to the lifesurroundings
for example polar bears
a female will make childeren with a strong male with a very thick fur to keep body temprature undercontrol for the cold life surroundings
the female won't make a child with a male who has almsot no thick fur
because the child would be dead by the cold life surroundings
so what have we learned today ???
1. that life surroundings dominate the dna of the specie
life surroundings are the designers of all specie
2. even psychological changes of the specie sapian can lead to a different bread pattern
cauzed by something the religious groups call god
they think that after 4 billion years of animal life
that they are the top specie that knows better
the sapian is making him/herself a top specie is a halucinative world
look at the consequences today
3000 years of war, massive destruction of natural systems that support life on earth
this specie is the most insaine specie that walks around