It was FANTASTIC - more than I expected. Mudhoney were pretty surprised too

- I think they didn't expect that the show in such club will be so wild...
Here's the playlist:
1 - into the drink
2 - it is us
3 - you got it
4 - where is the future
5 - hard-on for war
6 - sweet young thing
7 - touch me iŽm sick
8 - where the flavor is
9 - i have to laugh
10 - if i think
11 - sonic infusion
12 - underdog
13 - here comes sickness
14 - blindspots
15 - suck you dry
16 - ?
17 - who you drivinŽnow
They had to come back on the stage again - pretty confused - Mark said "Holy shit!?" and then:
18 - when tomorrow hits
19 - ?
20 - inŽnŽout of grace
21 - hate the police