Foreground, Chipper: "Play that one Ride CD again, okay?"
Background, couch, Bella the Cat: "I don't care what the fuck you play, just keep that damned dog away from me."
Stereo (clockwise starting on top shelf left): Technics SL-1200, JVC QL-y5f, Yamaha K-960 cassette deck, Pioneer TX-7500 receiver (bottom), Yamaha CDS 700 CD player (top), Grado phones and extension cord on top of CD player, Yamaha A-1020 integrated amp. On each side, Large Advent speaker (utility style).
On the floor beneath stereo, LP collection, roughly S-Z.
Beyond the windows, a beautiful Spring day.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about the orange cat in upper left. That's Scooter. Who says, "Whatever. I'm cooler than all three of you put together."