Glice was succeeding in not replying to this thread again. Especially as I've no new insights (or insults) particularly.
Without necessarily wanting to endorse a narrativistic approach to the scientific method I'm always interested in what science represents to a person more than what they think they think about it. Science is a very broad thing and can look at the same object in several ways for various reasons. A right-wing economist will say [x], a sociologist [y], a sewage expert [z] (etc) - it'll be the same object (and that object can be in ontplogical space if you like) but numerous perspectives on that object (and objects aren't necessarily objects as in bricks and tennis rackets as well - remember that, it's important).
I only mention this because it's kind of interesting that there's a complex set of tensions between some orientations towards science and some orientations towards faith. I can understand that some people negate (monotheistic, and mostly Christian) theologies because of the onus of proof doesn't lie with science (Ikara). That's fine. The problem I find is that a lot of those theologies then start talking bollocks. I don't necessarily think that spirituality belongs to an aesthetic category, but I think (philosophically) people would find it a lot easier to deal with religion if it weren't so... massive, scary, politically influential, conservative, controlling. In conversation, I tend to find it more useful to define my faith in aesthetic terms (or apophatic terms) rather than going over the proofs argument - the proofs will simply never exist within the narrativising remits of the scientific method (see also: homeopathy, art in general). The being or un-being of God and religion is immaterial to the difference or complete lack thereof that it brings to the individual. The antagonism that allegedly exists on both sides (there aren't two sides - there are fewer, or many more) is at best chimerical, or at worst to do with an individual's given anxieties.
I'm bored of writing now.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.
Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.