Thread: Steampunk
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Old 01.01.2012, 06:56 PM   #2
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What makes you think this is the right place to ask for accurate advice on literature? Does something here indicates that there might be experts on steampunk around here (which doesn't mean we people here are ignorant, but rather that this is mostly a place interesting for other reasons, kudos for trying to spark some conversation about something [sort of silly but] a bit different, though)? Having said that, maybe you'd like to check out an already existing thread about "cyberpunk", even though it wouldn't lead you to find what you are looking for (something called wikipedia entry could be more useful for that), but it still might be entertaining:

...And, oh fuck, since the thread is already here, I'll mention (in case it has escaped you in your quest) that William Gibson & Bruce Sterling's "The Difference Engine" is supposed to be considered an obligatory read, and responsible in some sense for spreading the term around, so maybe take that as a suggestion to check that out next. It's good (I think) and it has been recognized for its merits.

Last thing related with this concept that I found slightly interesting was the "Steampunk" comic-book series by Joe Kelly & Chris Bachalo: "Catechism", "Manimatron", and "Drama Obscura"; but it was especially due in great part to the highly intricate and detailed graphic work by Bachalo rather than the context, merits, and development of the story. Mentioning this just in case you might wanna check out the comic books, too (there are other, better things to check out in this sense as well).

I think people like Dead-Air and floatingslowly know more about science fiction and might be a lot more familiar with this genre than some others do (myself included, of course), so I'm now interested in seeing where this thread goes, although I'm almost sure it will be ridiculous and funny pretty soon rather than informative. Maybe if you had asked in regards to scatology, you might have been spot-on and very lucky you did that in this place.
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