Thread: I Can't Walk
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Old 07.09.2006, 06:37 PM   #23
Vodka Goblin
little trouble girl
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Gundle Village
Posts: 82
Vodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's asses
Hey scitso hope y'arn't feelin too burny or wotever sownds like a problem y'kno but hey y'think yur havin the trubbles standin up 'n' all let me just be tellin yu ive just cum bak from the Red Dragon Inn HEY NO FUKKIN GNOMES 'N' ELVES ALLOWED YEH 'n' aniways i drunk a load of "zombies" rite 'n' im fukkin PISSED, hey y'say HEY Y'SAY CLEVVER RYME YEH "HEY Y'SAY" wots a fukkin "zombie"? i kno yer all askin like but to sayv yu all tipin i'll just tel yu rite, a ZOMBIE is wen yu order a pint of goblin ale [hey its lyke the addyverts say y'kno "if yer not pissed after yer first pint then yer not drinkin the goblin ale"} wich y'drink a bit of liyke a cwarter 'n' then y'slip in a load of me vodka y'kno to mix it 'n' all hey it's fukkin klose to bein lethal y'kno 'N' HEY BE KERFULL IF YER UNDER AGE OR WOTEVER Y'KNO ONLY DRINK LYKE RESPONSIBLIES 'cos its lyke the dangerous things to do y'kno the goblins are yused to it 'cos gettin pissed is lyke in owr religshun 'n' all ha ha the goblins health warnin 'n' all there y'gotta be responsible wen y'drink yeh, so the goblin's had lyke ten pints of this stuff 'n' it was fine untill lyke the number twelv pint wen suddenli this green stuff wos cummin owt of me ears 'n' me mouth 'n' i wos havin the halussinnayshons or wotever it wos fukkin orrible yeh i halushinayted that i wos a gnome workin for the elves IT WOS SO SCARY LYKE DREAMIN I WOS A GNOME THAT WEN I CAME ROWND I'D PISSED MESELF WITH FEER eksept i hadn't it wos me mate huffi he'd lyke just poured sum ale on me to mayke it luk like i'd pissed meself 'cos he's ded funni lyke that, so anyway to get over the shok 'n' all i had like another fyve pints 'n' i had to get a hors 'n' cart home 'cos lyke i cuddent walk proper fukkin good nite tho y'kno HEY TAYK THE KARES AN BE KAREFULLY 'n' all yeh ha ha goblin gonna sleep now nite nite.
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