I wonder, has here already been thread about Elevators and Erickson...
Any fans here?
I havenīt been a big fan, but I have the best of Elevators and Erickson I think of Demons in cassette. I hadnīt been listened them a long time, but listened both recently. And Elevators really hit me!!! I canīt understand why they didnīt hit me at the first, maybe because that time I recorded them there were lots of great music I listened. Youīre gonna miss me, Levitation, She Lives (In a time of her own), Never Another, Thru the Rhythm, the Kingdom of Heaven, Slip Inside this House, Earthquake, May the Circle remanin unbroken, theyīre all just great! This band is really essential to listen to all SY fans! I think they were also the darkest part of sixties like Velvet and Stooges. And I donīt know did Joy Division members listen this, but I think JD-style had come somewhere between Velvet and Elevators. Must buy some of the sixties originals in the next vinyl happening!
That Erickson solo is a little bit more kind of "adult" stuff than Elevators, but there is some strange atraction, when the music is like John Fogertyīs solo works (Ericksonīs voice is very close to the Fogertyīs) and the lyrics is like "Two headed dog", "I walked with a Zombie", "Donīt shake me Lucifer", "Night of the Vampire"...