when i was 15-18, i loved Sonic Youth so much like they were my life, as well as other noisy bands that are often mentioned here. this band was such a big deal for me, i admired every single album and everything they stood for, considered rebellion to be a big part of life and often even fantasizied i'll be educating my kids about this music when i grow up to be a father...
it's been two years, my boner for SY & other loud distortions has slowly been decreased.. up to a state where i automatically yawn whenever i hear these sounds. i still respect the band & smile when i meet an SY fan, but deep inside the music doesn't really fascinate me as much as it used to. i got interested in more chill music, stuff i actually never imagined i could listen to.
i started thinking to myself, how i got into this state.. i guess i've just overplayed these stuff, as well as changed a lot as a person. i'm no longer such an angsty teen, i found peace in my life, became more social & even fell in love. i guess it's just me tho, cuz i figure SY has a lot of older fans, who become even more and more sentimental for this band within the years.
just had to vent this & hear your opinions.