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Old 07.09.2006, 03:39 PM   #10
Savage Clone
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 11,290
Savage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's asses
I have to say this...
I have been coming here since August of 2002, and it has been this bad before, but only a couple of times.
It is a disappointment for sure. I had high hopes when the new board came online, and it has really devolved.
However, Hayden and Saturnine are not the problem. Sonic Susie is the one who came around to pick fights for no reason, start worthless insult posts, sling mud everywhere, not entertain reasonable discourse and generally make this board a little schoolyard yelling match.
Hayden and Saturnine may have strong personalities that can rub certain people the wrong way on occasion, but they do add to the conversation, make posts relating to topical discussions, and crack wise with the rest of us. They do not have an 80:20 ratio corresponding with personal attacks vs. posts about music, art, SY or anything else that can be considered "conversation."
It needs to be said.
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