06.30.2011, 11:26 PM
children of satan
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 365
Originally Posted by kinnikpasswordforgetter
it's got less to do with irony and more to do with certain men wanting to be 12 year old white girls and have access to the narcissism and esteem in which society holds them. it's a desire for infantilism. it's not gay, it's more about acting like a stupid fucking twat. and it comes from the fact that these people have to supplement their completely cowardly and arrogant egos with some mechanism to help them cope when the world gets too scary. so taking avril lavine seriously in a totally childish way helps them feel like they are sucking at their mums tit or some shit.
what lies at the core of this is the inability to rise above total flippancy and trendiness in both your thinking and your life, but not being able to admit it. they are terrified of being found out. it's as if these people want to hold onto that moment when they were 4 years old and some uncool relative came into the room and asked them 'what are you kids watching eh?' and they all said 'avril lavine.' and felt solidarity in their desire to slavishly watch the tv and ignore the lonely old relative who just wanted to say hello. and then the relative condescended and asked them who avril was and they said 'she's special and she has pretty hair and she's cool.' and they felt so above their elders for a brief moment. pop culture made them feel like genius' who could see the world in a way noone else could.
the whole irony thing has nothing really to do with actual irony, it's an imitation of the concept. it just means childish stupidity for the sake of childish stupidity. it's the flipside of their utterly self conciouss interest in 'serious' music. they will say things like 'kittens and bubbles!' then switch to 'totally serious political discussion'. it's all ego and pettiness, and they are just idiots who want to silence the voice in their head that vacilliates between taking themselves as po faced genius' and cracking under the pressure and so smearing themselves in their own faeces and clapping their hands like retards and singing bah bah blacksheep.
it's a sign of their utter conformity, they all really do want to be like avril. they just know they can't, all that other 'weird' music is a way to mark themselves out. just a set of references to make them special AND give them the illusion, when they need it, that they are of course totally ABOVE such trivilaities as avril. they need to feel both a part of it and superior to it.
it's like their way of saying - 'yes, i'm only pretending to be different. my desires are totally and utterly subordinate to the most horrendously banal and stupid PR actresses the mainstream throws into my face. because i ENJOY IT. and you WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND MOM. the lyrics are ACTUALLY GOOD. it's not SERIOUS, it's all KITTENS AND BUBBLES!'
as if they are such distinguished and wise cultural connoisseurs that by expressing approval of such silly pop products they are actually making some brilliant meta statement about- blah blah. as if they're opinion is NEEDED or sought after by anybody producing this bilge.
it's all a game to help them feel they aren't the total embarassments they know they really are.
Well yeah but that's just kind of obvious bro let's get to the real meat of the issue......
The Electric Bike: Somewhere between a pussy motorcycle, and a pussy bicycle.......