I love the beach. Any beach. Favorite beaches are in Maine because the temperature of the water is refreshing coldly. Usually between 65 to 72 fariheit. Can easily spend 8 hours or more in the sun. Favorite activity body surfing.
Perfect 24 hours at the beach: Dig a pit and heat rocks in a fire for the entire day while swimming and body surfing, smother the fully heated rocks with seaweed then place lobsters, clams and corn on cob on top of seaweed and slowly steam food to eating perfection. Clean up and start a bonfire, add music live or a boombox, add friends and party finish night off by climbing in a sleeping bag with a partner of choice and making love under the stars till the sun rises. Spent some of the best days of my life this way. Not this week because of the holiday but the week after I'm going to the beach.