So I don't really post on here too often except one here or there. Normally music related. I don't really enter conversations that aren't intresting, and there hasn't been much. But I've watched the board slump and morph for like the last month. Topics narrowed down to name calling and witch hunts (deserved or otherwise) and it just got very boring. Maybe more intresting if read any of it, but fuck, slaughter house five was mroe intresting.
Now someone(s) have been banned and all fuckin hell broke loose. There might be a topic here not about the whole situation, but it probably wasn't intresting. It really makes the board pretty lame. For awhile I compared it the old skool weezer boards... trust me, in rretrospect it was very uncool and had way too big of a problem of higher up smuggness and (pre)teenage mudslinging. Congrats SY board. (don't get pissed by that, i'm just saying it's a let down). THis place has become pretty unwelcoming. Who's to fault? Apparently hayden and saturine. But fuck there's such a scene.
(title = this thread provides nothing useful or insightful and will prob be forgotten)