Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
He told me over IM he logged out, and when he tried to log back in he found apparently he's been banned. The hell?
It was apparently discovered that you can report bad posts and if a person gets flagged enough, they automatically get banned. So Assblaster got banned.
A good board member sent out a sort of memo to a lot of the other board members about it that wasn't completely against, but suggesting that it could be used as a tool.
I sort of agreed with said board member, but I also realized that a tool of that kind is too powerful for a lot of people, and then nice board members would probably get banned, so I abstained from flagging people's posts. There are a few people in this forum that I really don't like, but I don't think any of them really deserve to be banned.
Poor Hayden though
To those of you who abused the power of flagging posts:

To those of you who have realized the power of flagging posts but have been using it cautiously: watch yourself and don't be overzealous.
You don't flag posts because you don't like some one, you neg rep them for that. You flag posts because the poster is being really abusive of his/her ability to post.
Edit: Sorry, I only read the first post.
Hayden, you are a naughty boy. If I was gay and actually had a sex-drive. My sex-drive has been temporarily put on hold due to a distaste in womankind, I haven't eaten meat since Thursday and I I haven't ejaculated since Wednesday or possible Tuesday. I am bisexual, but the only reason I am bisexual is because I wanna fuck myself, no other men turn me on.
Anyways. Do do do do doo. La la la. It is cute that you guys get in chat rooms and talk on IM and stuff.