I went to GameStop today to pick up Blast Works (Wii), but they lacked a copy with the original case, so I nearly left empty-handed. That is, until SEGA Superstars Tennis caught my eye.
It plays out exactly how you would expect - a cross between a Mario Tennis clone (from the guys who brought you Virtua Tennis, mind you) and a love letter to SEGA's glory days as a hardware developer. I'm enjoying it so far. It handles nice, the courts look great, the mini-games are fun, and the SEGA universe is a much-appreciated change of pace from Nintendo's similar franchise.
Originally Posted by kinnikpasswordforgetter
should i trade in my ps3 and games (which i never use) for a 3DS with ZELDA 3D OMG?
since i only bought the ps3 based on drooling over all the video game porn in this thread you guys can decide.
i never play my ps3 anymore. its not even plugged in. i can get portal 2 for the pc so who cares right?
i completed metal gear and gta for it and so theres fuck all else since i dont have the time for longass rpgs that arent zelda
I would try selling it all first. You'll make much more money than you would trading it in for piss water.
The 3DS is just in its infancy right now, and the library seems pretty limited, but there's a whole slew of titles coming out for it. Ironic, how Nintendo made the exact same mistake with the 3DS as they did with the DS. But just look at how amazing the DS library is now! Which you would also gain access to if you don't already own a regular DS, due to 3DS backwards compatibility.
Check out the Nintendo E3 press conference, you will be assured that you absolutely need to trade in your PoS3 for your brand new 2011 handheld. Nintendo is going to kick so much ass this generation, I can just feel it.
I remember you ranting long ago (ni'k days) about how much you missed how fun, and exciting games used to be and how bland everything is now since the industry changed focus. I think the 3DS will be much better suited to your demands as a gamer if you still feel that way. I know I do, and Nintendo has NEVER let me down with any of their consoles/handhelds... and they just keep getting crazier.