but seriously, i don't really have any animosity towards ddd or anyone here. it's just troll spit, as temporarily ferocious as the roaring curl of a wave's foam and as timid as the receding gentility of said water dissolving into the sand.
i strut about here, like the cock of the wock, pecking vociferously at any onlooker who dares disturb my nest. yet what am i defending? with my back turned and head barking at my opponent it can almost seem like a pile of gold, yet when the opponent has been fended off, and in my loneliness i turn, it is merely a mound of my own faeces.
what? who said that? oh it's you. what do you want? i just want to wake up one morning and not feel bad about posting stupid and immature shit on the syg. preposterous, trolling is the red bull that flows through my very veins. no, noone will ever take us seriously if they stumble upon this mess of embarassment. fine, i don't need you anyway. no don't say that, we can use our mind for good, to enrich us both and attempt to shine the light of knowledge on the world, rather than the shrouding the veil of fear and ignorance. scoff, you are no more than a mere troll and that's all you'll ever be. now go get me some junk food and gross tumblr pics. no, people don't need trolled, it is just an empty high, leave this wretched board and set out in the world in humble solemnity. nonsense, this is just the messianic side of your ego mania. no no, those forces that threaten you must be so happy you act like a fool, face up to the responsibility of your words and admit their emptiness. only then can you move beyond them and leave the place and mode of being that so bores and frustrates you. ah, this pit is like tar that sticks to your flesh the more you struggle against it. may it swallow only the blackened soul of my troll self and may my better nature leave and move beyond such disgrace.
as you can see, it's a battle that has raged for so long, pray that i may bring swift resolution to my travails and that my better nature may win over the darkness.
c'est le lament de la trolle.