06.20.2011, 03:18 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 7,571
Okay... obviously a cruel joke. But you can actually listen to samples on the page!
http://www.blrrecords.com/prod/2153/...bitch_box.html - neat!
Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Title: Magnets, Bitches & Tape Loops (Bitch Box)
Label: Beta-lactam Ring Records
Format: LP Box
Catalog #: mt270xxx
Condition: hot!
Price: $999,999.99
Tracklist Samples 1 I Ya Pain 2 I Stuck Her With My Wang (Andrew Liles Monster Mix) 3 In Flagrante Delicious 4 My Dog (Looks Reel Precious 2 Me Right Now) 5 Juggalo 7-Day Diet 6 Ethanol (It's Corn Ya'll!) 7 Ass Farm Dalai Llama 8 Hammertoe Ball Nightmare 9 Canadians Crave My Dick 10 Two Juggalos On Da Bus (Whut?) 11 Fizz and Jizz (Faygo Whiskey Tango Foxtrot)
Limited to 69 copies in a custom hand made ebony box with ivory inlay (no elephant was spared for this release), solid plastic piano hinges and all hand stained with the finest lube known to mankind. Available April 1, 2011. Included in this limited edition is the album "Bitches, Magnets and Tape Loops" and bonus remix album "Magnets, Seriously, How Do They Work?", 31 page booklet of lyrics, photos, tons of dick jokes, a coupon for a free bottle of Faygo, a miniature hatchet, makeup kit, official Juggalo membership card with discounts on merchandise and a signed and numbered certificate in what we think is blood but actually is bar-b-que sauce. Anyways, it is pretty wicked collection. Act fast Jugs!
What IS a Juggalo? Moreover, what if Christina Kubisch was a Juggalette? This is no mere electrical walk or your dad's Gentle Giant, my friends...this slab is more akin to a soggy, slow magic orca ride to Juggalo Island. Your journey has started with the tick-tick-tock of the candy-colored clock striking 4:20...spectral clowns rip you from the couch, to the sound of your bitch-ass neighbor (in panties) quietly playing a tonka-toy with hatchets...once the bellowing whale locates you, a whirlwind journey awaits! The sea-faring creatures that inhabit this environment warble and smell like Deceh warmed up with clattering cutlery as gravy.
Two sides of mostly instrumental, often unintelligible, and always erotic (hint: Side B actually begins with the amplified sounds of clown penises intermingling), these two ram the proverbial wang straight through your earhole and deep into the pleasure center of your bewildered brain(ticket). Taking a Dan Tanna-like 90 degree swerve from the Riddle Box, more Battiato than Pagliacci, ICP'ers Violent J and Shaggy have made a conscious decision to explore new juggalescent spheres, not the ones fuelled by Faygo but instead The Brine Of Stapleton. The big toe in the butthole of futurism.
....It's only 45 minutes to the shores of that mystical isle, far from the three-hour tour it might have been...along the way you've noticed the colour of the evening sky. Sated and breathing calmly in the warm sand for a short while then make your way into the thick woods. The last signal you can find is scrawled "Please...Come Again". Refractory period, ho! Back to Side A....