I really appreciate his approach. I've been cooking regularly for about three or four years now, and I've gotten to where I can make some pretty decent dishes. I'm vegetarian and have a taste for Indian food, so I tend to make a lot of curries (in a broad sense) but enjoy experimenting and using what I have laying around to come up with new concoctions.
This says a lot: " I don't give quantities or exact recipes because I eyeball and taste everything like anybody who cooks a lot."
Anyone that has any desire in learning to cook needs to take this approach. People that constantly adhere recipes are not cooks. No problem using recipes as a guide, especially if you're starting out, but overtime, developing a sense of flavor and how different flavors interact is a really amazing thing. It's really great to see how he's fine-tuned his skills over time; it looks like he's made some really amazing dishes. I'm very impressed.