Originally Posted by The Watcher
You've probably already done it with this thread, I'm sure they're checking his friends and family...... now you just cost your friend a job with benefits and good pay and a really nice pension because you don't share the same world view.......
Yeah, cuz the city organization he might work for is really gonna waste its time trolling a Sonic Youth message board. Get your head out of your ass. he's already gone through the bulk of the major assessments and I imagine he already has some kind of security clearance. and any comprehensive legit background check would paint me as a fairly ordinary lefty and not all that radical. I'm not censoring myself. Ever.
dude, are you serious? If your "friend" is so insistent to joining in this hackneyed "war on terror" then do you honestly think you will somehow be able to convince him? I think its safe to say he has already been thoroughly convinced otherwise and is then already "subsumed and corrupted"
I'm at least going to TRY. I'm fairly certain that he sees it as a stepping stone for a future political career. he's one of those neoliberal "public policy" majors who thinks he has a better opportunity to "reform" things in a counter-terror role rather than as a lawyer. I wouldn't hold it against him, but it's a bit painful when I see an otherwise intelligent person having no problem assimilating into this kind of job.