Originally Posted by Decayed Rhapsody
...from becoming a "counterterrorism specialist"? HOW? Is it unreasonable of me to insist that he will subsumed and corrupted by da system? I mean, I suppose there is a need for people to make sure we have contingency plans in place in case some ass decides to set off a dirty bomb or something, but what is usually done under the guise of counterterrorism and "protecting America" is obscene. There's been an industry made out of it ( http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/are-we-safer/). HALP.
dude, are you serious? If your "friend" is so insistent to joining in this hackneyed "war on terror" then do you honestly think you will somehow be able to convince him? I think its safe to say he has already been thoroughly convinced otherwise and is then already "subsumed and corrupted"