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Old 07.07.2006, 06:59 PM   #8
the end of the ugly
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oh yes haydenasche before i go, you always feel the need to be politcally correct about every fucking thing, so why not bring my fucking religion into this. I really would like you to explain why you felt the need to call me Muslim instead of by my name. Really, what was the purpose of that? Oh yeah because like everyone else i'm an idot right? good excuse.

i'm so glad to see that everyone on here approves of hayden and assblaster's muslim hating ways. and even if they don't hate muslims the fact that they always feel the need to make fun of me about it is so fucking hilarious and necessary.

And ass blaster never once have you used an term in my religion in the right context you fucking moron. and i'm not even sunni, so i don't know where the hell you got that shit from.

rot in hell all of you.

PM me please


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