Originally Posted by SonicBebs
i think they were joking about pitchfork...
I wasn't....... I will read Aquarius Records for new stuff to investigate, but I'll leave the final judgement up to actually listening to an album........ I also go into a book store once a month and read Decibel, The Wire, Rocka Rolla, Classic Rock Monthly, Waxpoetics and a few other semi interesting magazines to get a heads up to some new stuff, but again......... only listening will truly tell my opinion........
Okay like for example that recent comp called Those Shocking Shaking Days on Now-Again Records which promised "heavy Indonesian psych/prog/funk" what the fuck?!?!? That comp barely had any of that stuff and a lot of boring shit on it!! Yet, I loved one of the recent ones they did called "Forge Your Own Chains" that one was fucking SICK........ and I got all excited and pre-ordered it from amazon and when it showed up I was really let down.........