the offence - 9/10
Ever notice I consistently give 8 and 9 out of 10 to films directed by Sidney Lumet? Ever notice Sidney Lumet has directed a shit ton of films? Get what I'm saying? This guy is MAYBE the best American director of all time, all things considered. THE NETWORK. THE VERDICT. DOG DAY AFTERNOON. SERPICO. PRINCE OF THE CITY. 12 ANGRY MEN. BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU'RE DEAD. It just goes on and on and on and on. Nothing flashy about his style. Nothing INSANEEEEEEE. Just strajght-up GREAT fucking a) acting b) directing c) stories. And, creepily, his films often feature no soundtrack at all (I noticed GLENGARRY GLENN ROSS had no soundtrack either and it ruled; in fact, I think in some weird way I usually end up really loving films with no soundtrack. I even like I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, sorta -- I mean, it's better than LAST HOUSE, at least... uh.. okay, bad example).
Anyway, THE OFFENCE fucking rules. It's got Sean Connery in his first non-Bond role since taking on Bond. His next role would be in the amazing Zardoz. Okay, this isn't a good review. But this is a great film. Sidney Lumet kicks ass.