Actually, I'm a little nerves about how I yiff, and admitting it.
No one has brought up wetting their favorite,, or at least, I haven't saw it in any threads yet. Being able to do it in the wide open, under the sun, would be great. They'd dry faster, then if I got my bed-mate too wet,, it would probably dry, by the time I'd wanna come back inside. I don't mind having people seeing me with Fievel. I just really wouldn't want them seeing that. The smell of some of my plushies tell enough of a story, by themselves... no need to have someone seeing it,, who probably wouldn't wanna see it.
I still sleep with my Fievel,, besides when I switch to Stitch. Sometimes, I just switch to Stitch, for no reason, other then to let him have a turn. Other times, it's because I'm waiting for Fievel to dry.