02.02.2011, 04:51 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: I moved from hillbilly Florida to hillbilly Alabama
Posts: 3,723
Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I've seen htis before but .. this is one of two movies I want to recut. You know those "recut movies" they upload to btjunkie and myspleen and shit? I want to recut BRINGING OUT THE DEAD... you know how Scorsese has that horrible habit of not having original scores, and instead, overstuffing his films with Rolling Stones and shit, songs that don't fit the atmosphere of his films. BRINGING OUT THE DEAD would be a masterpiece with a better soundtrack. There are a FEW moments of ghostly piano/haunting drone/super low strings on the score that sound incredible,m but most of the movie is dominated by classic rock shit. So, I want to recut the movie, and in the scenes where there's classic rock and no dialogue, I would replace the rock with drone. I'd also take out some of the scenes with classic rock playing in the background. I'd take out a few moments, like with Marc Anthony's luantic character, who is annoying yet soemhow gets more screentime than just about anybody else. I'd also insert even more music, change the look of the film a bit so it's a bit more decayed and nasty looking. It'd be a lot superior.
I was just talking about this movie to a friend a few days ago. Very strange of you to bring it up 